Upcoming events.

Potluck - Thank you & Farewell to Pastor Jason
Join us as we say good-bye and give thanks to God for the ministry He gave to EVAC through Pastor Jason Van Ankum.

Vacation Bible School (Day 3 of 3)
3 Day VBS - August 13-15, 2024 @ 9am-12pm
Ages 5-11, $10/child, Register online

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Vacation Bible School (Day 2 of 3)
3 Day VBS - August 13-15, 2024 @ 9am-12pm
Ages 5-11, $10/child, Register online

Vacation Bible School (Day 1 of 3)
3 Day VBS - August 13-15, 2024 @ 9am-12pm
Ages 5-11, $10/child, Register online

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Ruth by Bianca Juarex Olthoff
Every Wednesday @ 11am (July 3-Aug.14), no fee, bring your own bible and notebook. Email to join - service@erinvillage.ca

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
June 30 - 3 videos and a potluck! Bring your favourite dish.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Youth Event - Campfire and Games Day
Youth Grades 5-9 - monthly event!
All youth in grades 5-12
At Louis and Anne-Marie VanWyks house.
Please RSVP so we can make sure there is enough food.
See you there!

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Vendor Sale & Yard Sale
Discover Hidden Treasures!
Vendor registration coming soon. ($25 for a space to sell your items)
Yard Sale - Donate items starting May 27, 2024
Bake Sale - Enjoy Yummy Treats!

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Youth Event - Creative Art Day
Youth Art Day
We will be hosting a Paint Pouring Party for the youth grades 5-9.
We'll experiment with different colours and textures while creating fun pieces of artwork together!
Wear clothes that can get a drop or two of paint on them.
Please let Gillian know if you'll be attending so that we have enough supplies for everyone. gillian.denbok@gmail.com
Bring a friend! The more the merrier!
(Held at EVAC - 155 Main Street, Erin)

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Women's Bible Study
Every Monday night at 7:30pm at EVAC, from March 4th to April 29th.
This 9 week study will be on 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Youth Event - Games Day
TIMES TO BE DETERMINED (event is not 12am-12:55am)
Youth Grades 5-9 - monthly event!
More details to follow!
Please speak to Grace or Gillian if you have questions or want to help.
Looking forward to to having some fun together!

Women's Bible Study
Every Monday night at 7:30pm at EVAC, from March 4th to April 29th.
This 9 week study will be on 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin.

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Women's Bible Study
Every Monday night at 7:30pm at EVAC, from March 4th to April 29th.
This 9 week study will be on 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin.